Karolijne (55) wants to stop working at 60 and emigrate to Spain

Karolijne Bol Elfin

She invests in real estate, in ETFs, in – yes, not in what really? Karolijne (55) is doing it all, with one dot on the horizon: quitting her full-time job at 60. “Everything I earn from my investments, I reinvest.

  • 55 years
  • Payroll
  • Elfin Member since 2020
  • Single mother and grandmother
  • Has been renting out an apartment for a year and a half

Start at the beginning

‘Six years ago I went to work for the Public Transport Department in Amsterdam. Before that, I also had a nice job, but not a good salary. I was a single mother in a purchase house, with a 900 euro mortgage and no alimony. That was tough at times, but I’m glad I experienced it. I am much more conscious of my spending as a result and am still grateful every month when my salary is deposited.

I had no savings at the time, but I was already doing some investing. By refueling, I saved for money and every 100 euros I earned, I invested in crowdfunding at 8 percent return. When my salary was sufficient enough to start saving, I started investing a fixed amount each month. And then I didn’t do that at the end of the month when there was some money left over – that never happens anyway – but I transferred money to my investment accounts immediately with each paycheck.

During corona, house prices skyrocketed, therefore my house also had a surplus value. I went looking for what I could do with that and ended up at Elfin! I got a lot of energy from meeting all those like-minded people. So many opportunities revealed themselves to me and I learned a lot from the active community. I immediately started the Beginning to Invest course and quickly built a network. Eventually I bought an apartment with the excess value of my house and started investing with a fixed amount per month.

Just start

‘In the beginning, it was like entering a candy store, so much appeared possible. I wanted everything and so I started everything. By now I am 2.5 years on and know what suits me and what does not. I continuously adjust my portfolio and don’t get tempted into new investments. For example, I invest monthly in ETFs, which are stable baskets of different stocks. My tip for beginning investors is to chart exactly what you spend and what comes in. Be critical of your spending; for example, do you really need all those subscriptions? The money you save can then be invested, no matter how small the amount is. Then when you see that amount grow, it gives so much energy! And through Elfin you can easily get in touch with others, who all want to help you. My friends are not into investing and money, which I sometimes regret. My daughter is interested, my son less so. My mother has already started investing, which is fantastic!

When I grow up later

‘My dream is to quit my full-time job at 60 and leave for Spain. So I have five more years. I will not be financially free by then, but at least I will have sufficient financial freedom. That’s already worth a lot to me.

Like Karolijne, do you also want to take your first steps and work on your independence, but don’t know where to start? Receive – after completing some questions – your personal step-by-step plan for free. Easy, approachable and developed for women.

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