After her break-up, Eva (34) could only continue to pay her mortgage

Eva van der Sterre Elfin

Taking on the mortgage on your own because your relationship is over, starting a new job including salary negotiations; the past two years have been pretty exciting for Eva (34) in terms of finances. But by now everything feels normal again and she has plans to invest more and set up a side hustle. ‘To my mind, it’s finally starting.’

  • 34 years
  • Single
  • Started a new job in April
  • House for sale in Rotterdam
  • Member of Elfin since May 2021

Only an owner-occupied house

‘At the beginning of last year, I ended the relationship with my boyfriend. The purchase house we had together, I still live in now. As it turned out, I was earning enough to afford the mortgage, so I had to buy out my ex. The buyout fee is factored into my mortgage, so my fixed expenses are a touch higher still. I briefly hesitated to move and buy a new house with the excess value, but there is a mortgage guarantee on this house, which allows me to borrow with lower interest rates. And this is also just a nice neighborhood, with a forest for my dog Sjef.

High fixed costs

‘But yes, so those fixed expenses are one thing. I can save a little, but I would like to invest more. I have been investing fifty euros every month since I took Elfin’s Beginning to Invest course, but now that I have a new job, I hope to double that amount. And I have about €1,500 standing with a real estate investing platform, which earns me a few tens every month. My goal is to start a side hustle, partly so I can pay for the buyout fee, but I’m still excited about it. Since this month I’ve been attending Elfin’s Boost Your Income Bootcamp, so for me it’s finally starting.’

Negotiated salary

‘I’ve had a new job since April. To further widen the gap between my expenses and income, I was determined to negotiate my salary. I always knew it was important to do, but I found it so uncomfortable. But in the online workshop Negotiating Salary This Way I learned that “no” is only the beginning of the negotiation. By aiming high, you set the tone for that negotiation and show that you value yourself. I myself threw 200 euros on top of my proposal and instead of a rejection, my employer came up with an amount even higher. Yes, that’s how it can go.


‘When I became a member at Elfin, I had a plan to do something with my savings. But what, I didn’t know. And I didn’t really dare. I was convinced that money could be lost at any moment, so it was better not to take risks. Now I know better and see how much freedom it can give if you use money in the right way. But what I always keep in the back of my mind is that I’m not going to find my happiness with money. It’s in my house, my dog, my life.’

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This or that?

In the world of finance and investing, there is no such thing as 1 truth. Choices you make are personal. We asked Eva about her preferences.

Save or invest? Investing

Side hustle or focus on more salary? Side hustle

Extra days off or extra income? Extra days off

Tight planning or loose with money? Tight planning

Retire as soon as possible or retire at 68? Retired ASAP

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