Increase income

More money, more income, gives more financial stability and security. At Elfin we are not fans of the narrative that women should save and bargain hunt, we stand for more money in the hands of women! Learn at Elfin how to boost your income. Create your profile and instantly discover what e-courses, videos and articles will help you boost your income.

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How do you increase your income?

There are several ways to increase your income. If you are employed, negotiating your salary is the first step. But the opportunities for more income are endless, even if you have a steady job. Consider side hustles (projects in your spare hours that can make you money) or investing in dividend stocks.

Negotiating your salary

Think back for a moment to when you got your first job. Did you negotiate your salary at the time? Or were you grateful for the opportunity you were given and signed immediately?

Should you have chosen the latter option: you are not alone. 93% of women do not negotiate her salary. And that has far-reaching consequences. Because you leave a lot of money on the table if you don’t negotiate the first salary. Especially if you also fail to take advantage of the subsequent annual performance reviews for a serious raise instead of just the inflation adjustment or some other paltry perk. Or that you let the discussion around salary sit when you get promoted because no one brings it up. Standing up as a woman yourself and going for that negotiation, going for what you are worth, is crucial!

Side Hustles

Side hustles are activities, often in addition to your job, that generate extra income. These can also be multiple activities side by side. And some are passive and some are more active. But it is the perfect way to make extra money in addition to your primary source of income. Sometimes side hustles even grow into your primary source of income and can provide you with a living. There are side hustles that you cannot easily set up from home with a few hours, such as a blog. You can also become a mystery shopper, take surveys or create an online knowledge product.

Passive income

Passive income is income for which you do initial work and then earn money without (much) further effort. Sometimes for the short term, sometimes for life. Simply saying that passive income is income for which you don’t have to do anything at all is a bit of a stretch. It is primarily a process of sowing and reaping.

Check out the e-course

Curious about the content of the e-course on boosting your income? Read on quickly!


Boost your income

This is how you as a woman increase your income! Learn how to increase your income. You can use this money to shape your dream life. No fancy stuff, but practical tips and examples that you can get started with right away.


Starting to invest

By investing in dividend stocks, bonds or real estate, for example, you can create a passive source of income. You will learn how in the e-course Starting to Invest.

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