Gas is getting more expensive: here’s how to avoid high costs

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What to read, what to watch, what to listen to: in Finance Flash, Elfin shares everything you shouldn’t miss from media land. This is number fifteen: saving on your gas consumption on NOS.

The price of gas is going up significantly, I’m sure you caught that. Fortunately, the government is accommodating you through tax measures, but even so, your gas bill is expected to be more expensive next year. Therefore, in the article, NOS shares Gas more expensive? Here are all the things you can do to consume less tips for using your gas more economically. So that you don’t have to add money at the end, but maybe still get it back.

Not letting the heater run full blast is a pretty open (front) door. Turn off the heating when you leave and in rooms where you are not, turn down the heat. It also recommends setting the thermostat ever so slightly colder, under the motto “you can also put on a sweater. Saving on the gas bill it certainly does, but it does not seem pleasant at all to me.

And important to note, is that no matter how far down you turn the thermostat, some factors are beyond your control. Like a poorly insulated house. The
recently wrote that people with low incomes are particularly affected, as a relatively large portion of their budget is already being spent on energy bills.

If this does not apply to you, and you used so little gas that you get a substantial amount back at the end of the year, invest it! Because it is money you had previously spent, you feel pretty little of it.

The article Gas more expensive? Here are all the things you can do to consume less read on the NOS website .

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