Money goals tip: share your goals with like-minded people

Setting financial goals is incredibly important. By setting concrete goals to your dreams and desires, you turn a dream into an action plan. But it doesn’t stop there. It is just as important to gather people around you who motivate and encourage you to achieve your goals, not hold you back.

Who is your expander?

Tony Robbins said it all: “Show me your 5 best friends, and I’ll show you what your life will look like.”

They don’t say for nothing, “What you deal with, you get infected with.” This is exactly why the ELFIN community was created: a safe place where you can spar with others on financial topics. Women-only. People who already have what you want or who are already further along on the road to it. Because nothing is more motivating than taking a look at your future and moving toward it. So share your goals with like-minded people.

Your big stick

Have you found your group of like-minded people? Yes! They are going to help you take steps, because they are your stick for stated intentions and ambitions. In the book Think and grow rich, having such a group is one of the key ingredients for success. Speaking freely about your ambition, asking questions and determining initial actions with your cheerleaders is the value of aligning with like-minded people. Also, Jen Sincero says in “You’re a badass at making money:Find someone to help you achieve your goals and to whom you are accountable for what you did or didn’t do. Mark my words, you’re moving forward like a rocket, because you don’t want to be left behind.”

In short, we strongly support so-called expanders. People who help and motivate you to grow and achieve your goals.

Find your MONEY friend

And let the ELFIN community be full of that. So we can’t say it often enough: use this resource! Really, it is so valuable. Share ideas with each other, get inspired by each other, experience aha moments, learn from each other. In the community, we encourage finding a money friend. Someone with whom you click and with whom you will make great strides together. Not a member of the community yet? Then sign up for free here today. Almost 5,000 women have gone before you!

How do you deal with people who hold back?

Yes really, people holding you back, it really does happen. Consider a partner who feels that financial administration is best done alone, because after all, it is not a “woman’s business. Or old school parents who think investing is the most dangerous thing you can ever do with your money and would rather put their money under the mattress. Disclaimer: This is not a representative representation of reality.

What is your financial vision?

The important thing is to explain your (financial) vision to your loved ones as best you can and to ask your loved ones to support you in your financial goals. Do you have a joint account with your partner? Then involve them in your desire for financial insight and dive into your income and expenses together. Determine together what you consider important – both for now and for the future – and see what financial goals you can set together.

Do you both have completely different views on money? One, a real Dutch bum, the other, bon vivant pur sang? Then find a good compromise that both of you are comfortable with and both of you can stick to. For example, is your partner a big spender when it comes to his/her favorite hobby? Then decide together an amount that he/she “gets” each month that he/she can do what he/she wants with. That way, within the limits you set together, they can still do what they want. Also decide together what you want to set aside in savings and/or investment money each month.

Also, keep your partner informed about the status of your goals in the interim. This makes it concrete and lively for him/her and they may actually get to have fun with it, just like you.

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