Online Income: YouTube & Instagram

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An online income. As a primary source of income or as an additional source of income. That sounds ideal! An income that gives freedom of workplace and makes you flexible. In this article, we share how to get income from YouTube and Instagram.

Vlog till you drop!

We are of course talking about YouTube & Instagram here. Because income from YouTube & Instagram can be a hefty money-making machine when handled properly.

‘Vlogging’ is making videos that you then share on YouTube or other social media channels. (such as Instagram). Before making your channel a success, you need to engage as many viewers of those vlog videos as possible. And when you do that well then you can make quite a bit of money doing that.

The rules of the game

The rule for YouTube is that your channel must have at least 4,000 hours of views within 12 months. In addition, you must also have at least 1,000 subscribers on your channel. If you succeed, you will earn between €0.50-€4 per 1000 views in no time. Nice, but of course you understand that if you really want to start earning you have to have a lot of views.

With Instagram, it becomes financially interesting when you are above 10,000 followers.


So Views is one way to make money on YouTube, but you can supplement your income by running ads on your vlog videos. You probably know them; those irritating ads before and during YouTube videos. When someone clicks through that video ad to that advertiser, you receive money on that. Think of it as an affiliate link but with moving images. By the way, you only get paid money on this from €70 in income.

Sponsored & affiliate content

You’ve probably seen it listed: ‘sponsored content,’ ‘branded post’ or ‘in collaboration with…’. This means that in your videos on YouTube and posts on Instagram & IGTV (video channel of Instagram), you advertise products of a certain brand for a payment of money. You also often get to keep this product free of charge. You see this especially with vloggers who are incredibly highly viewed. For YouTube, however, there are some rules attached to this such as the rules of the
advertising code foundation
and supervision of the
media commissionerate
. And you pay a contribution of +/- €600 per year for this.

If you still find this a bit too much, you can also just work with affiliate products. You then recommend products just like sponsored content. From the selling party, you get a URL link to that product that you can put in the description of your video. When a viewer through that link then buys the recommended product, a portion of the purchase price is yours.


Income from YouTube & Instagram seem very attractive but realize that the amount of time you have to put into it before getting to the point of making money is immense. Key Factors in all this are time, choosing the right niche, catching on to hype, persistence, repetition, consistency and also and a dose of luck.

Good luck!

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