Tamara Steltenpool

Vind jij het lastig om keuzes te maken die bij je passen en mis je soms wat vertrouwen in jezelf? Tamara helpt jou naar meer inzicht in jezelf en meer regie in jouw leven te krijgen.

Hi, I am Tamara and certified HSP coach

Making choices that fit who you are is what I help you with.

Becoming aware of who you are at the deepest level and what you want. Gain insight into your patterns, what inhibits you, what is important to you and what energizes you. When you have this clarity, you can act accordingly and be more true to yourself. You then experience more direction in your life.

I help you with:


In jezelf; patronen, waarden, drijfveren


in jezelf; kwaliteiten, acceptatie

Keuzes maken

Trouw zijn aan jezelf; bewuste keuzes maken

My personal story

My background is in education. In addition to teaching, I have gained a lot of experience coaching and mentoring people. More and more it became clear to me that this is where my heart is. Having beautiful, in-depth conversations. About the things that really matter. Contributing to the process of people getting to know themselves better and increasingly feeling the space to be able to be fully who they really are. Because this is what life is essentially about.

My guidance is aimed at making you more aware. I have specialized in high sensitivity. I know from experience that this trait can have a great impact. Highly sensitive or not, understanding yourself already brings a lot of understanding of who you are. You can see which patterns you have developed, where you are still experiencing obstacles and where there are possibilities for development.

You are going to discover how you can begin to consciously use your (sensitive) talents. By connecting more and more with yourself, occupying your own space and experiencing what it is like to be more true to yourself.

People describe me as warm, empathetic, calm and decisive. Feel welcome to get in touch!

Tamara at ELFIN